VSD Kit For Flyte so Fancy Maggie's Hen Houses
Please Select House
A complete VSD Kit for the Automatic Door Opener to suit the Flyte so Fancy Maggie's Hen houses.
Choose from Maggie's Six, Maggie's Dozen or Maggie's 24 from the drop-down box as each fitting is different.
If ordered at the same time as your hen house then we will fit it for you free of charge, if ordered separately we will deliver the kit for self-installation with instructions (and telephone back up if required).
The VSD units and door are fitted inside Maggie's hen houses. The door will rise inside and the VSD unit will be mounted above the door. For details of the door opener visit the VSD Door Opener.
Both the Six and Dozen houses will include the lightweight aluminium door whilst the Maggie's 24 will have a specially made wooden door.
For self-installation of the Maggie's Dozen kit, there will be a little carpentry required as the central perch needs trimming and timber mounts need adding for the adjusted perch.
Maggie’s 6 Kit contains:
- VSD Door Opener
- External Light Sensor Cable
- Med VSD Lightweight Aluminium Door
- Mounting timber
- Instruction booklet
Maggie’s Dozen Kit contains:
- VSD Door Opener
- External Light Sensor Cable
- Med VSD Lightweight Aluminium Door
- Mounting timbers (7)
- Special instructions for Maggie's Dozen fitting
Maggie’s 24 Kit contains:
- VSD Door Opener
- External Light Sensor Cable
- Timber Door and runners
- Mounting timbers for VSD box
- Small pulley
- Extra cord and screw-in hook
- Instruction booklet
If ordered for retrofitting, please allow up to 7 days for delivery. If ordered with the Chicken Coop it will arrive ready fitted to your Coop.