Bedding & Woodchip
Flooring, Bedding and Playsand for your Chicken Coop
When it comes to the question of the best bedding for a chicken coop, or what to use on the ground in the chicken run, we have the answer here. Choosing the right bedding makes caring for your chickens easier and far more pleasant than the smelly place a chicken coop could be. Equally, choosing hardwood woodchips for the floor of your run makes the chicken run a far healthier place for your birds. For more hints and tips visit our Videos and Information Centre.
We are often asked about Playsand in the chicken run. So, is Play Sand safe for Chickens? Some online information is very confusing about using sand for chickens. We do not advise using sand as bedding in the Coop, or flooring in the Run, but it is perfect for their Dust Bath if dry earth is not available. Our play sand is a screened, non-staining, pre-washed, BS-compliant Children’s Play Sand (please do not use builders’ sand as it contains chemicals) and is ideal for Chicken Dust Baths.

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Unlocking Rooftop Potential with Grow-Top Garden Stores

Using Hardwood Woodchip for your Chicken Run

Bird Flu - Information, Hints & Tips

Worms in Chickens - Ask Phill 34

Unlocking Rooftop Potential with Grow-Top Garden Stores

Using Hardwood Woodchip for your Chicken Run