As you are visiting this page about Poultry Housing, I suspect you are either a seasoned poultry keeper already or are new to chickens and ducks. Or are you trying to make sense of where to start? How can we help? Let's begin with the type of bird you have in mind and how many you have or are planning to have. You can narrow down your options from there. Do you need to keep them in a secure run? Do you need the Coop to be mobile? How easy is it to clean out? Is it fox-proof?
Below you can view Chicken Coops and Houses to meet all these requirements. We offer housing for 4 to 40 chickens or bantams; secure Runs and large Walk-in Pens and you can add some extras to complete the scene. For more in-depth guidance, visit our Choosing a Chicken House page. For Ducks and Geese, we can offer eleven designs from the cutest Dinky Duck House for Call Ducks to our Goosey-Loosey for fully grown Geese. You can also read more in our Information Centre about Keeping Ducks as well as definitions of the breeds of duck.
All our wooden poultry houses are made here in Dorset and delivered directly to you. To take a tour, watch our Flyte so Fancy Tour Video! If you would like more details visit our Information Centre, or call us on 01300 345229.