VSD Door Kit for Handy Hen House
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VSB Automatic Pop-hole Door Opener Kit for Flyte so Fancy Handy Hen House. For details of how the VSD works click VSD Auto Door Openers.
We have put together an Automatic Door Opener Kit to suit our Handy Hen Houses, so you can buy the complete kit in one click.
Shown here mounted inside the Handy 10 Hen House and Handy 4 (Handy 15 units are similar to Handy 10 image).
If ordering at the same time as the hen house we will fit it for you, if retrofitting, the VSD and lightweight door are fitted inside the hen house so the pop-hole ramp remains as it is.
If you want to give yourself more control over the opening or closing of the door, the VSD comes with a manual override system, which can be incorporated with an additional Manual Override cable.
For even more control of the door, the Digital Battery Timer is the perfect way to fine-tune your opening and closing times.
Kit contains:
- VSD Door Opener,
- External Light Sensor Cable,
- Lightweight Aluminium Door (but trimmed down to fit),
- Instruction booklet
If ordered for retrofitting, please allow up to 7 days for delivery. If ordered with the Chicken Coop it will arrive ready fitted to your Coop.