Sleeper & Woodchip Packs for Protection Pens
Protection Pens Sleeper & Woodchip Pack Size
Sleeper & Woodchip packs for Flyte so Fancy Poultry Protection Pens. For 9ft x 9ft Pens up to 9ft x 24ft.
The packs contain a set of pressure-treated timbers (see Details tab) to build a raised plinth for a Poultry Protection Pen and the right number of bags of hardwood woodchip to create a clean surface for your hens. Far healthier than bare soil or mud for the birds, and much less smelly too.
The Timber Sleepers don't have to be set down or dug into the ground, they are just as effective placed on top of the grass/ground - although, you may find you need to dig them in to make them level (spirit level advised), and making them level is important to the stability of the Protection Pen.
The hardwood woodchip is an excellent, hygienic, surface for the birds - almost self-cleaning. Just wash through with a garden hose if you haven't had any rain, replace with new perhaps twice a year, and scatter some powder disinfectant e.g. FSF Run Sanitiser, monthly to keep it bacteria-free and smelling fresh.
Watch our video about Changing Woodchip in your Chicken Pen.
Pack details: The packs contain cut-to-length, 10in x 5in (250mm x 125mm) pressure treated timbers, and several bags of hardwood woodchip to create a clean, perfect surface for the hens. Max. length of any single sleeper is 4ft (1220mm) to make them easier to handle.
- The 9ft x 9ft Pen includes 10 Sleepers, to give a max. external dimensions of the plinth frame/footprint: 3080mm long by 2830mm wide and 8 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
- The 9ft x 12ft Pen includes 12 Sleepers - max. external dimensions: 3960mm long by 2830mm wide - and 11 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
- The 9ft x 15ft Pen includes 12 Sleepers - max. external dimensions: 4880mm long by 2830mm wide - and 14 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
- The 9ft x 18ft Pen includes 14 Sleepers - max. external dimensions: 5900mm long by 2830mm wide - and 16 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
- The 9ft x 21ft Pen includes 16 Sleepers - max. external dimensions: 6840mm long by 2830mm wide - and 19 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
- The 9ft x 24ft Pen includes 18 Sleepers - max. external dimensions: 7840mm long by 2830mm wide - and 22 bags of Hardwood Woodchip.
The timber sleepers are softwood tanalised, are cut to the lengths required and will come with a detailed layout plan. If you would like to see a pre-purchase copy of the layout plan, which includes all exact dimensions, so you can check its size, please just call or email us.
The woodchip can be placed directly onto the ground/grass, we do not recommend a geotextile underlay, mainly for reasons of hygiene as the 'poo' will not wash/drain through it but also hens or pets may dig it up.
Delivery is via Palletline carrier. If ordered with your housing the sleeper pack will all arrive a tthe same time.
If ordering separately, delivery charges for this pallet delivery start at £59 for mainland England, other parts of the UK may be slightly more. Calculated on weight and postcode destination. The expected delivery date will be detailed in a separate order confirmation email. For more details see our Delivery Information page.