Flyte Little Owl Nest Box
Flyte Little Owl Box is a purpose-made nest box for ... Little Owls.
Current delivery time is approx. 1 week.
Our Little Owl Boxes are designed to replicate a natural nesting spot for them. They like to inhabit natural deep holes in mature trees or suitable small spaces in old buildings and open barns.
This Owl Box gives a perch point outside the entry hole and a small tunnel which makes it nice and dark inside, so they feel safe. It has two small solid brass hinges on the side access door for cleaning (every 2 - 3 years), it is also screwed shut to prevent predators.
Little Owls are tiny - just 20 to 23cm long (8 inches), and with a wingspan of 54cm to 58cm, they weigh approx. 200g. Introduced into the UK in the 1800s they are the smallest of the owl family and widely found throughout Europe.
Their small round face is flat above the eyes which makes it look as though it is frowning, and their heads often bob up and down when they are concentrating. The plumage is greyish-brown, spotted, streaked and barred with white which does allow them to blend into many natural backgrounds.
They can often be seen during the day sitting on fence posts to pounce on any passing prey. They hunt for small mammals, birds, moths, beetles and other invertebrates in a wide range of habitats from open fields, orchards or woodland edges as well as farm muck piles, rotting compost in gardens and mature wood piles.
Little Owls often pair for life and the female incubates 2 or 3 eggs a year but the population is considered stable and has a 'not of concern' status.
This Owl Box is made from 20mm thick Scandinavian Redwood boards and further protected with a Chestnut Brown nano-technology coating to make sure it lasts for many, many years.
Dimensions: 23cm wide max, main body 19.5cm wide x 24cm deep. Overall roof length 46cm and overall box height 39.5cm. Dowell perch 25mm dia and 12cm long. Weight approx 7kg.
Mounting: The Little Owl Box should be mounted sideways/horizontally at approx. 2.5m above the ground in a sheltered position with the entry hole facing north east - south east.
Mature trees, old stone buildings or open barns are best so they can hunt for prey easily. When mounting Owl Boxes please consider your own safety first.
Delivered by courier in approx. 7 days.