12ft Run for Handy 10 or 15 Hen House
A 12ft long enclosed run to fit the side of our Handy 10 or 15 Henhouses.
A robust square section run made in long panels, it is wired in strong ½ x 1 inch galvanised weldmesh (green plastic-coated) on pressure-treated timber framing.
It has a pop-hole at the end for access and for you to allow the hens out if you wish. It meets the hen house pop-hole (it sits neatly under the ventilation louvres) and it has a side door for you to reach the pop-hole of the house.
Please note - the area you would need to be able to place the house and run together needs to be on level ground if possible. When assembled it makes a very long unit together with the hen house (up to approx 18ft). Run size is approx 3ft high x 3ft wide and 12ft long.
12ft Run for Handy 10 Henhouse - 371cm long x 79cm wide x 76cm high.
12ft Run for Handy 15 Henhouse - 371cm long x 89cm wide x 80cm high.
The run is made in panels for you to screw together, full instructions included, cordless screwdriver advised.
This run is a solid and secure fox-proof run made of 18 gauge, half-inch by one-inch, green plastic-coated galvanised (Italian-made) weldmesh onto a 38 x 38mm pressure-treated timber framework.
Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery. Delivered flatpacked for self-assembly.
If ordered with the Handy House then it will arrive in panels on the pallet at no extra delivery charge. If ordered separately it will arrive, in panels, via a courier and the delivery charge will depend on your postcode as you go through the checkout.