Ask Phill No 33 - How to Stop Feather Pecking amongst your Flock
In this video from our Ask Phill series, Phill answers your questions about a frequently asked problem. What causes an 'outbreak' of feather pecking; what to look for; and, once you know what causes it, how to solve the problem!
As Phill mentions in the video, we have a range of Anti-Pecking Sprays and Tonics to help. We have also made an information page All About Feather Pecking in detail.
As feed and treats can be an issue, you can visit our page about What you Should and Shouldn't Feed Your Chickens and what you can offer to keep them entertained - otherwise known as 'enrich their environment'!
If you have any questions that we can help with just message us from the Chatbot icon below or email from the Contact Us page.