17th December 2024: More cases confirmed in Norfolk and Yorkshire.
17th November 2024: The APHA have announced that an outbreak of H5N1 has been confirmed at premises near St Ives in Cornwall.
More information is available on GOV.UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england
Our video guidance below was filmed in November 2022 when a previous outbreak ocurred but the guidance in still relevant today.
For more information on recognising Bird Flu, how to deal with it and what the APHA mean when they say Protection Zone; Surveillance Zone; Housing Order; etc - visit our page Bird Flu Hints & Tips
And, for a quick view of our recommended disinfectants and solutions to providing a Biosecure unit for your hens, visit our Avian Influenza Latest News page.