The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Poultry
This week Phill chats about using Apple Cider Vinegar as an all-year-round tonic for your poultry. (We had a little trouble with the sound this week, you may need to turn the volume up).
As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure. We think one of the best preventative products to have among your poultry supplies is Apple Cider Vinegar. You can find our selection in the Poultry Worms & Parasites section.
Commonly called ACV, it contains minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorous, and vitamins A and C, all of which help to support the immune system and keep your chickens healthy.
By its very nature, Apple Cider Vinegar is acidic. It will therefore lower the Ph balance of the gut and make it an inhospitable place for parasites to live. It also aids digestion and clears up seasonal respiratory issues.

For example, Apple Cider Vinegar with Garlic is particularly beneficial to gut health and 100% natural.
By adding 5 to 10ml of ACV (per litre) to your hen’s drinking water it will promote healthy bacteria in the gut, aid digestion and clear the respiratory tract.
It is a very cost-effective poultry tonic but only plastic drinkers should be used when administering ACV because galvanised drinkers will become corroded by the acidity of the vinegar.
If you have any questions about Apple Cider Vinegar or if you want to ask me a question to be featured in a future #AskPhill video, leave a comment below, or call us on 01300 345229 to speak to a member of the FSF Team.