What You Need to Know About Clipping Your Chicken’s Wings (with Video Demo!)
Have you ever wondered why some chickens seem determined to explore every inch of your garden, especially the parts you’d rather they didn’t? And sometimes straying even further afield, putting themselves in danger?

The secret to keeping those flighty chooks safe and secure might just lie in a simple technique called wing clipping.
But what exactly is ‘clipping a chicken’s wing’? Essentially, it involves trimming the feathers on one of the bird's wings to prevent it from flying too high or too far. By clipping just one wing, you create a natural imbalance that keeps them grounded, which is particularly helpful with certain lighter flighty breeds.
We must stress, only do this if or when necessary. It is important to consider the welfare of the bird when deciding if you should clip its wings as it can affect its balance and mobility.
Why clip wings? Some breeds are naturally more inclined to take to the skies, and while a quick flight might seem harmless, it can lead to your chickens wandering into unsafe areas where predators could be lurking. Keeping them safely within an open pen or fenced area is often crucial for their protection.
Certainly, there is the school of thought that, if they fly out, they can fly back in. Yes they can, but if the predator is faster, or they do not see it to be able to fly away, or they are disorientated - then it will be chicken dinner for foxy loxy!

If the idea of clipping your chicken’s wings makes you a bit uneasy, you’re not alone. Many chicken keepers feel the same way. But it’s a straightforward process that, when done correctly, doesn’t hurt the bird. All you need is a pair of sharp scissors, a steady hand, and some guidance to get it right.
One thing to keep in mind: wing clipping isn’t a permanent fix. As the seasons change, those trimmed feathers will grow back, so you’ll need to repeat the process as needed.
In our AskPhill 17 video below, Phill teams up with Paula the Pekin to show you exactly how to clip a chicken's wing safely and effectively. You’ll see how to hold the bird securely and trim the primary feathers (those at the top of the wing), avoiding the quill, while leaving the secondary feathers intact.
Phill’s demonstration shows how to avoid too much stress and discomfort for the chicken, and you!
Now watch the video below for our guide to wing clipping that we hope will give you the confidence you need to tackle the job.
©Flyte so Fancy Ltd 2024.