9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation

9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation

What are the 9 signs to look for to help you identify Red Mites in your Coop.

Poultry Red Mite - Pesky Persistent Parasites

  1. Hens may avoid using the nest box or not go into the house at night if the coop is badly infested
  2. Grey dust similar to ash (mite faeces) around the crevices and under perches
  3. Active red mite inside or outside the house which glow in the light of a torch at night
  4. Birds are looking pale, jaundiced faces and wattles, and look anaemic
  5. Depressed birds, very lethargic, loss of weight
  6. Decreased egg production coupled with increased feed intake
  7. Dark dots and speckles on eggs – they may be blood spots or look closely you may see the speckles move!
  8. In extreme cases, feather loss and signs of dermatitis
  9. Never assume that red mites are the problem if you can’t find any physical signs of them at all – sometimes sick hens display similar symptoms, whatever the cause!

    'Bite-size' Notes on Red Mites

    What is a Poultry Red Mite?

    • Dermanyssus gallinae is a highly prolific external parasite that loves to feed on birds.
    • Capable of surviving up to nine months without feeding, it can be difficult to eradicate.

    Feeding and Hiding Habits

    • Mites primarily feed on bird blood but can also consume feathers, skin, and scales.
    • Each feeding session can last up to 2 hours, after which mites hide in cracks and crevices to lay eggs.
    • Red Mites are nocturnal, which makes the difficult to find during the daytime.

    Impact on Poultry Health

    • Heavy infestations cause the hens stress, lead to aneamia, reduced egg production, and can lead to death.
    • Mites transmit diseases like fowl pox virus, Newcastle disease, fowl typhoid, and salmonella.
    • In the worst cases, they can also bite humans, causing dermatitis.

    Where Do Red Mites Live?

    • Found in all types of poultry housing, including plastic and metal structures.
    • Mites are drawn to areas close to their food source - the birds.

    Identifying Red Mites

    • Mites change colour from red (after feeding) to black and grey as time passes between feeds.
    • Look for grey ash-like residue (mite faeces) around crevices in housing.
    • Best time to check is at night with a torch.

    Control and Eradication

    • Red mites have a waxy, hard exoskeleton that retains moisture.
    • Use strong degreasing agents to dissolve this layer, leading to desiccation and death - Smite Mite Liquid.
    • This method is effective because mites cannot develop resistance to it.
    • Regular treatment helps keep infestations under control.

    Further Resources

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    The 9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation ©Flyte so Fancy 2024. Author: Anne Weymouth (Director, Flyte so Fancy Ltd). Reproduction of part or all of this text is only possible with the express permission of Flyte so Fancy Ltd.